Backed by

100x VC

Fast, Scalable Infrastructure for
LLM Training and Inference

Bring your datasets. Train your own LLMs. Deploy them for inference in one-click.
Sit back and watch them scale to millions!

Xylem Training Stack

Ready-to-use stack for engineers to fine-tune and pre-train LLMs with their own datasets and achieve the best loss curves.


Run LoRA-based fine-tuning jobs to build specialized LLMs.

Coming soon

Efficiently train your own foundational model from scratch.

Xylem Inference Stack

Deploy base models and your fine-tuned/pre-trained ones as serverless APIs or dedicated/reserved instances.

Serverless APIs

1-click deployment to serve your LLMs on token-based pricing.

On-demand / Dedicated

Reserve instances on our inference stack with GPU-autoscaling.

Build with the best Open Source models

Future of AI is open-source, and we support that by enabling every developer
to build on top of the best open source model architectures.

Dolphin AI
Meta AI
DeepSeek AI
Mistral AI
Windows AI
0.1 AI
Nous research
Dolphin AI
Meta AI
DeepSeek AI
Mistral AI
Windows AI
0.1 AI
Nous research
Dolphin AI
Meta AI
DeepSeek AI
Mistral AI
Windows AI
0.1 AI
Nous research
Meta AI
0.1 AI
Windows AI
Dolphin AI
Meta AI
Nous research
Mistral AI
Meta AI
0.1 AI
Windows AI
Dolphin AI
Meta AI
Nous research
Mistral AI
Meta AI
0.1 AI
Windows AI
Dolphin AI
Meta AI
Nous research
Mistral AI
Dolphin AI
Meta AI
DeepSeek AI
Mistral AI
Windows AI
0.1 AI
Nous research
Dolphin AI
Meta AI
DeepSeek AI
Mistral AI
Windows AI
0.1 AI
Nous research
Dolphin AI
Nous research
Meta AI
DeepSeek AI
Mistral AI
Windows AI
0.1 AI

Ready to build and scale on
Open Source AI?

You and your team can focus on building the product and creating the best datasets, while Xylem AI scales your LLMs in production.